I hoped to get a few questions answered though.

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Do I think I can get into the boneyard, accumulate 22 * 5 bones and convert them in 65 seconds including round trip time, into bananas? Probably not. This scratches a possible money making off source. But. If I could find something which dropped a large amount of RS gold bones (2-4+) that may be killed in one hit, then it becomes a definite possibility. The search persists. Its a good backup plan in case flour ever halves in value, however, or peanuts spike. All I am really saying is that the search for efficiency can be extremely fun, I or that have serious issues. I have to go investigate oranges.After Enjoying OSRS and RS3 I have some questions

I got back into Runescape a few days ago when I switched to Tera and GW2, after not having played around 2012. I never expected RS to scratch my MMO itch but after shopping through BnS, BDO, and ESO, one of my buddies recommended OSRS. I installed it, and I am having a fun time up to now! However, I was curious, since everybody craps on RS3 all the time it appears. I installed it, and it's blowing me away so far. The UI quality of life upgrades, the stylized images, etc. I am super pumped!

I hoped to get a few questions answered though. My understanding of Runescape is big based on how it used to perform, though I never experienced members so I don't know what's different there. Is it viable to play both games at the exact same time? Just log in at the time of course, but to play and enjoy them both? RS tended to possess some grinding elements (though quite gratifying ones). I don't have a whole lot of time to dedicate.

How much does this game alter in comparison to OSRS? When I was younger, I researched a ton of things about P2P even though I never actually could manage it. I understand where Runescape differs there, but logging in to RS3, I had been in a place I had never seen before, and may never access. How useless does it create the stuff, if I were to get members? This goes for OSRS too. Is there some point in me grinding woodcutting up to earn money when I could get P2P and utilize those money making methods?

Finally, are there any settings or anything I should understand about/change in RS3? There seems to be a lot happening. I have not got past the starting area, but I find these windows about melee abilities, ranged abilities, etc. Normally, on an enemy click and they die. What all is? Like I said, I am super excited! I never understood Runescape could look like this!

I would not say it is feasible to perform both, not simply because you can't log in to both but also because you are likely to be repeating a lot of content twice if you do that. If you are after something less grindy I would go with RS3 but that's totally your decision. Members makes a massive impact on both games, f2p is more or less a trial afterward associates makes Runescape 10x larger with more to do - quests, bosses, new abilities, faster ways to train/make money.

It is still worth getting used to Runescape in f2p, but members makes things much quicker, including making gold. I would say just spend a while easy to buy RuneScape gold use. As soon as you get into bossing the skills start becoming necessary to use at certain times but before then you just have to use revolution+(click monster, mechanically utilize abilities).

