I would absolutely love Dragon's Dogma Online-styled encounters

I would absolutely love Dragon's Dogma Online-styled encounters


Same with unwanted ass grabbing for meseta pso2 homosexual characters for comedic effects.

Because seeing naked women will make u to a rapist, so seeing naked children will make u into a young child rapist /so. The internet loves the see things in the most fucked up way possible. Like a child eating a banana on the current automobile comercial. The cencor mentality that every1s defending isnt the same mentality that muslims have? Better pay up the wamen too.

It's called"moral grandstanding". When I was a kid my parents made me go to Sunday school. There was a man there who constantly talked about how horrible prostitution was how any guy who used a prostitute required to be penalized heavily. It had been his pet moral issue he somehow managed to shoe horn into every single discussion. Sure enough, this man was caught and detained for slamming prostitutes.

That is the sense I get from these men and women who equate liking the large tiddy anime drawing (benign ) to pedophilia (a horrible crime that ruins lives). Be wary of people who constantly point fingers as they're likely trying to divert you from their own moral failings. Also, lolis are yummy. This is rather demotivating me to play PSO2 on Western trash servers. This can be on top of removal of items, half ass item description and other cut content from prior episodes. Thank goodness PSO2 Tweaker is still being upgraded despite the Steam release. It is fucking dumb how Sega West are still pandering to twitter clowns and dumb mainstream media.This is what I had been thinking too and makes the most sense. This way the game has the main core aspects players expect but is fresh and new at precisely the exact same moment. I believe that it's still likely to be instanced and not open world. Gameplay shown up to now has shown 8 player instance maxes. This wouldn't violate current AI systems, thinking about the existing AI just follow your path or teleport to you when they get stuck. I am thinking it will be a similar system to what Dragon's Dogma Online had. The world is huge and open, but everything out of towns was instanced. I'm thinking it is going to be a similar approach to what Dragon's Dogma Online had. The world is open and huge, but everything out of towns was instanced. They watered down the scaling into a formulation and changed a lot of classes but now that it has gone I constantly wish to play with it.

I would absolutely love Dragon's Dogma Online-styled encounters in Phantasy Star if since it gives us a reason to learn more about the world (or at least rapid journey to it to hop in and out) and to also have a challenge with the cheap PSO2 Meseta bosses and enemies.

