Honorable mentions: I led a clan back in the day, slightly proud of that (although I was far from an ideal leader.)

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What saved me was the reintroduction of this wilderness in 2011 and OSRS gold more importantly the shunning of Revenants into a dungeon. It enabled me to AFK at Ice Warriors at the wilderness to the 50k xp a day I received in the summertime since players never uttered the spot. Nevertheless took a few years though because I could not will myself to log in for more than two hours, even AFK. I eventually got it in the summer of 2012 and I was relieved to get it over with. Ironically, shortly after I achieved 99 Defense EOC came out and killed clanning, so I have not been able to tank with my 99 defense. The last time I tanked was a fun war involving Sals Realm and some other clan, at which stage I was 98 Defense.

Honorable mentions: I led a clan back in the day, slightly proud of that (although I was far from an ideal leader.) My first 99, firemaking. I am very happy that I stuck through it and did not quit. Even though firemaking is a simple 99, even before bonfires. I had a knack for doing well in Sals steel war items along with snowball fights (air strike fights). Probably because I had been a top level but never the highest level, since the maximum level was always piled . Enough of me, I'd love to hear yours.

I don't actually have any pride in my in-game achievements that required nothing more than a lot of time grinding. I am happy I maxed melee and fight some time afterwards, but I wouldn't say I'm proud because I didn't really require any thinking, quick-reflexes and any other kind of work. Just patience, time, time, some persistence, and did I mention time yet? But if I had to choose one it'd be 99 Prayer I guess. Only because once I was a noob back in 2006-07 I never thought I'd ever have enough money to afford it. 99 Attack was fine too, first battle 99.

The sole accomplishments I pride myself in just a little are PvP connected, both single and clan PKing. I like to believe I was a good F2P PKer pre-EoC, and that I was very happy when my very first gallery attained 100+ kills. I ended up posting 400-500ish kills here on Sal's spread over three or four distinct galleries and countless smaller subjects (like arbitrary kills and clan department war topics), and it led into a old PvP section members to refer to me as Sal's #1 F2P PKer and also the King of the PvP segment (this is the reason why I really like my RuneScape King and Witch King names lol). I dun, I never felt I did anything amazing but with people complimenting my kill achievements is something I enjoy a little pride in I suppose. Also when in a Sal's Clan Section subject about the perfect clan I was chosen as a member in a good number of cheap RS gold clan section users lists, which is something I took pride in because in the time I was only a mean level 105ish combat participant.

