How do you hit pictures in NBA2K21?

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Stick when grab and take or post disappear. Button from anywhere in close. Works for me but it required a little practice. Isn't it harder to select your layup in case you use button? I've always fought with these controls and used stick for layups. I'd really like to NBA 2K21 MT Coins be shooting 40% but I am lucky if I could hit 20%. I only play offline. I know we have scrub players at this time, and I am a below average player but badly even layups which are in the center of the meter are not going in. I don't even dare to try out a jump shooter. The AI seems to be ridiculous levels too. I understand they want to reward ability in 2k21 however this kind of material is going to truly put off casual gamers and people new the 2K franchise and also new to basketball games.

I have been playing since 2K13 but I have never been that great of a player. My starter players've never played with this bad at 2k16,17,18,19 and 20. The only other 2K I played 2K20 was 2K13 and that was on PC. I improved a hell of a lot in 2K20 to the point where I really could go as high as Superstar without using STS. But this is a whole new level using a very different mechanic. I did ok at the demo and at the quickgames with the brand new shooting meter but can't hit the side of a barn here.

Only played the demo, however, the stick was a great deal more reliable than button to get me. I have always been a button guy too. I've got a 75 3 pointer, I believe I greened one shot like 5 nba games. . . Genuinely shooting 2/16 in an offline triple hazard game on just layups and 1 open jumpshot that airballed on marginally early. Spent $100 with this bullshit lmao. Man the shooting is extra nice right now but that I would advise shot timing like appearance for the que on the animation.

Yep I am having difficulty with it also. Launched a game on My team going 0/12 overlooking open 3s and midsize shots all over the place. I am all for MT for sale 2K21 them toning shots being almost automatic but the system looks a little bit too unforgiving so far. Hopefully will start to get better after a couple more matches of getting used to it. The game came out and we have ta new meter with slightly different timing.

