During this stage of progressing in Runescape

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As I look back in that question today, I realize that what those 2 people said was accurate. There's no longer anything left to get that would be an upgrade concerning gameplay. Trimmed armor doens't provide any armor bonus above full rune. Santa hat is great for OSRS gold possessing (worth a lot of gp), but a full rune helm actually provides a defense bonus, whereas the Santa hat does not offer a defense bonus at all. There's not any longer any helpful Runescape item that can't be bought. Have full rune armor/scimitar; rune pickaxe along with hatchet; full green dragonhide armor.

Is there anything worthwhile to buy (3.2 M gp in bank accounts )? Now, I believe the only Runescape purchases that would be helpful might be items to level up one of these skills: present Prayer 53; Magic 54; Runecraft 53; Crafting 55; Smithing 51. (Aside: current attack 71; strength 73; defense 70; ranging 52; mining 64; firemaking 60; woodcutting 64.)

Free-to-play planet: I defeated Elvarg, then I coached on ankous, made to att/str/def/hp of ca. 60 each. There was not anything left to do in Runescape (been to Varrock/Rimmington/Falador/all dungeons/all f2p guilds), so I made the horrible decision to explore the Wilderness: Runescape had just eliminated PvP (and in running to Fist of Guthix, there were not any big hazards). So in preparation of Wilderness investigating, I equipped with complete rune armor + rune scimitar and stock full of lobsters. I swung at it with the Rune Scimitar, but I was not even becoming blue zero splats - that I wasn't even using the rune scimitar!

However, I knew that this is a losing proposition; I'm not even making contact with my own rune scimitar, never head hitting the revenant for harm. I attempted to run away, but I couldn't. Then I recalled that you need to turn on"Protect from Magic" prayer and then run. I did... and I ran all the way out of this wilderness. I had several lobster, tons of HP - but that was a scare.

Time passed... I levelled att/str/def/hp into ca. 65 each. I took full rune and Old School RS Gold  full inventory of swordfish, and would just venture in low-level Wilderness - the coal mine (that's actually low-level Wilderness!) . There was no one in the coal mine. Then out of nowhere, a level 65 Revenant freezes me. I guess I was not in low-enough-level Wilderness, however, the coal mine is very-low-level like Fist of Guthix, why is this high-powered Revenant coming ? It was hitting 8 HP at a time. I tried melee attacking it, but I was not aware (back at that time) which Revenants used a freezing spell and then step two squares away so that you can not melee them.

