Their Best-selling 2k21 had boundless demonstration time

Their Best-selling 2k21 had boundless demonstration time


For real. Noone would like to put 35 gigs on NBA 2K21 MT Coins some thing they're simply gonna utilize for a little and then re install. Especially for someone like me, in which the 2k demo would have taken 15 hours to install. They beg na supply you with a lil small taste. Mainly so people who wish to play 2k but do not want to purchase it, do not sit there and play the 3 all time teams repeatedly.

Bro trust me no one is doing this, it a far better experience to pick up last years game for next to nothing and update rosters, I feel as the reason they did so is so less ppl encounter glitches.

As someone who moved from 2k19 to 2k20 only a week, the collision detection is far better. Players dont clip into each other quite as much anymore. I can only expect 2k21 to be an improvement. There are a few items that never got fixed, such as the hair respawning always during cutscenes and hair thinning physics which vanish on random cheer leaders.

As someone who played with 2k20 vividly, players clip each other nonstop. The thing that I notice about 2k20 is that the clipping is insignificant. Peoples arms can clip into a person's torso whilst covering, but thats nothing compared to 2k19 at which you can knock the ball from someone's hand while they're dunking by pushing your hand directly through their face in the ball. I simply got a steal in my career this morning by cutting somebody's knee to slap the ball. I have definitely been blocked through the rear of my players head going for dunks too.

Their Best-selling 2k21 had boundless demonstration time

Frankly, who cares if they do? The sort of person who is gonna do that was never going to devote full retail price on the match . Thats not why. How is this idea even being circulated about that particular sub? Because that's exactly what I did with matches I did not wish to buy. Congrats. Still not the reason. Then what would you think the buy 2K21 MT reason is? Could not tell you. Their best selling 2ks had boundless demonstration time so its simply not your concept. Perhaps they would like to keep it timed to shroud how shitty their match is. Not sure.

