That is partially why I made the switch

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OSRS feels more like the runescape I enjoy playing than OSRS gold. I was maximum half method into 120 thieving, and I made the conscience decision that I every skill from level 1 in OSRS than play RS3 and grind out 1 99. I transferred for reasons that were similar to OSRS recently from RS3. But one issue I've had with games/communities is that this concept that everyone would like to max or that maxing is somehow"the stage" of Runescape. Coming from a Dungeons and Dragons background (which much of early RS was very much based on) I have never had a campaign where our party made it beyond level 10.

Even with like 3 decades of playing the exact same character. Building a character and fleshing them out durning the levels is super rewarding and the seeming impossibility of attaining the top echelons makes the world look vast and incredible. Because I embraced the Role-Playing facet of the MMORPG, I made so many characters that were distinct back in pre-eoc. I would set myself challenges that were special or possess a theme for the character. Nowit feels like everything is all about end game content/maxing. Sure there should be a lot of end game content.

But it feels like that of the community. My main account is a f2p in RS3 a couple more not far off and with a 99s. I stopped Runescape for a span of approximately five decades and returned. Pretty much everyone I knew in the community which still plays has maxed and is now grinding virtual 120s/200m out. Or maxing on another/Ironman account. I am really near my intentions of obtaining Magic, Prayer, and 99 Defence, and my friend who has maxed in f2p asked me which skill I had been planning to work on next. I was like. There won't be another. I am getting these 99s because I like them because they had been childhood dreams. But I really don't place any value in maxing.

I'm not planning to do something I hate like Woodcutting or angling for hours just to see the numbers go up. I mean, if I was still a kid with all the time on earth I might. But from my free time I need in my adult life. I want something engaging, rather than afkable. I moved to OSRS and created the ultimate Ironman. And I've set myself added thematic challenges and limitations. And while I could ultimately do exactly the identical thing in cheap RS gold, I find that the gear system of OSRS makes distinct account assembles more rewarding to playwith. And the community (particularly YouTube content creators) is much more enthusiastic about that type of game play.

